Ray Harryhausen Poster Book

Do you have a collection of Harryhausen film posters? We’d like to speak with you…!
The Ray and Diana Harryhausen Foundation are excited to be working with esteemed writer Richard Holliss on a book detailing the poster art of Ray Harryhausen movies. We have been able to scour Ray’s vast poster archive, and have found numerous rare and fascinating pieces. However, we are now looking for the help of fans worldwide in order to make this the most comprehensive collection of Ray Harryhausen posters ever assembled! Artwork varied greatly across the world, and we just know that there are more hidden gems out there.
If you think you have any unusual or rare posters, or just want to share pictures of your collection with us, please get in touch by emailing posters@rayharryhausen.org.uk, with a snapshot of the poster in question if possible.
If it’s one which we are missing from our collection, we will arrange to have it scanned. Once the book goes to print, your name will be printed along with the poster in question, and you will be sent a free copy of this fantastic publication!
Be sure to listen to our interview with Richard Holliss for more details, and get in touch via posters@rayharryhausen.org.uk if you have any questions.
Categories: Announcements